
Gor Chahal, "Verses", IMApress, Moscow, 1992, 62 p.
Gor Chahal, "Poetry". Russian Literature, Akademie Der Kunste, Drukhaus Berlin-Mitte, 1995, pp. 54-60.
Gor Chahal, "Flow in Berlin". Russian Literature II, Akademie Der Kunste, Drukhaus Berlin-Mitte, 1996, pp. 18-30.
Gor Chahal "Eye Arming". Khudozhestvenniy Zhurnal (Art Magazine), 1995, N 8, p.10.
Gor Chahal "State of Our Actual Criticism". Khudozhestvenniy Zhurnal (Art Magazine), 1996, N 10, p. 63.
Gor Chahal "Subject of Art". Khudozhestvenniy Zhurnal (Art Magazine), 1996, N 13, p. 75.
Gor Chahal, "Love". "29", 1998, N1, pp. 60-65.
Gor Chahal, "Main Gold". Komod, 2001, N10, pp. 52-53.
Gor Chahal, "Joy (Resurrection of Image in Art)". Khudozhestvenniy Zhurnal (Art Magazine), 2001, N 40, pp. 6-8.
Gor Chahal, "Poet and Pistolet". OGI, Moscow, 2002, 132 p.
Gor Chahal, "Why I don’t deal with painting". Khudozhestvenniy Zhurnal (Art Magazine), 2002, N 43/44, p. 69.
Gor Chahal, "Analogocentrizm in Art". Catalog of the exhibition: "New Countdown". Digital Russia together with SONY. M.: LINXI, 2003, pp. 105-107; Russian Academy of Arts, "Art and science in modern world. Features of the development of techniques and technologies in contemporary art, architecture, design". Compendium of scientific articles, Yaroslavl: "Philigran", 2014, pp. 172-181.
Gor Chahal, "The Sun of Truth, Goodnes and Beauty". Catalog of exhibition: "Paradise" IX Moscow International Forum of Art Initatives. M.: GANYMED, 2004.
Gor Chahal, "Steps". Catalog of exhibition: "Art Digital 2005". M.: Aldy-print, 2005, pp. 8-9.
Gor Chahal, "Sort out love in me". Khudozhestvenniy Zhurnal (Art Magazine), 2006, N 63, pp. 75-80.
Gor Chahal, «Look beyond the Horizon». Catalogue of exhibition: Gor Chahal, «Bread of Heaven», M., NFG, 2010. Pp. 13-15.
Gor Chahal, "Dialogue between the Church and Contemporary Art. Foreign experience". "State, Religion, Church", No. 1, 2024, pp. 139-166.