Bread and Wine, and Mother-Raw-Earth
Precondition of the experiment
Searching for the resolution of the problem
of information crisis which is ever more
embracing the modern society and leading
to the considerable decrease of intellectual
capacity of information in the conditions
of aggravating communication traffic¸ to
its negative selection, (which we observe
in the increasing drop of intellectual
level of the actual art), since 2000 (the
"Chorus" project) I have been engaged
in the theory and practice "of the active
image". Active image implies a picture—
action, an artifact, not simply passing a
message from the sender (author) to the
addressee (spectator), but the generator
of information, a catalyst, informative
activator promoting self-increase of internal
information of the addressee (by means
of his self-reflexion), under the impact of
organizing influence of external information.
Thus, in my creative work a concept of
"information generator" emerged for the
first time. Further developing these ideas
and having addressed the experience
of Christian Divinity, by the year 2005
("Stages", "Consecration" projects) I came
to the belief that, as a whole, processes of
information exchange (communication) of
noosphere are, as a matter of fact, extranatural".
"Philosophical analysis of the 20th century
physics leads scientists to understanding
that fundamental processes of nature lay
beyond the limits of space—time, and only
events, generated by them, can be localized
in the spatial—temporal reality. According
to the physical theory of relativity, the
uniform "objective" picture of the actual
world in general does not exist. The world,
as a matter of fact, breaks up in a number
of individual, equal, similarly true spatial
and temporary "pictures" describing
the universe in various ways depending
on the system of readout chosen by the
observer (absence of a uniform scale of
measurement, estimated system of criteria,
exactly as in modern art). In order to bring
these pictures together physicists are
compelled to enter additional, sensually not
perceivable measurements in the system of
description, as, for example, in Minkovsky’s
world or the theory of strings. Further,there are hypotheses, that these ways of
description are not only various forms of
description of the same reality, but they are
descriptions of ontologically diverse "levels"
of existence, the first of which (the spatial
and temporal world) corresponds to "the
actual" being—sensually comprehended
reality, in which we find ourselves, and
others correspond to individual ideal
reality—called "Mentally Comprehended
World", which is the basis (primary image)
of the sensual world, "virtually" containing
all physical structures, which we determine
in the sensually comprehended reality
(Uvarov)." *
That is, any information event (the act of
communication) occurs, as it seems, not
in the "actual" physical environment, but
in the stem environment of the "Mentally
Comprehended World"—a bridge between
Physical and Transphysical reality, which is
created here and now by spiritual practice
(creativity) of each separate person,
similarly to an architectural structure or a
Temple, on the whole making a universal
impact on noosphere or the "actual" world.
Thus, I put forward a hypothesis on
transphysical character of the impact
of art on noosphere.
To verify this hypothesis our experiment
was carried out. We have tried to find out
whether a work of art has any impact on
"inanimate" nature, for example, earth
(Mother-Raw-Earth), bread and wine—
the main, in my mind, elements composing
Gor Chahal. Moscow, 2008.
* Khudozhestvenny Zhurnal (Art Magazine), N63,
pp. 53-59, Gor Chahal, «Organize Love in Me».
Detailed description of the experiment, analytics and the results you can see at the catalogue of the exhibition.