Compositions (nature vif) on the motifs of miracles involving bread and wine in the Gospels.
It should be noted that these are not simple illustrations of Gospel texts. Here, rather, an attempt has been made to use art to explain the inexplicable. In reverse perspective, the loaves, for example, grow the farther away they are from the viewer. That is, we see a visualization of how the multiplication of the loaves is possible in spiritual space. Working on this project, I thought about how the ancient artists could get the idea of imaging the supersensible world in reverse perspective. Suddenly, I came to a very simple and clear idea about the relationship of direct and reverse linear perspective, which, as I know, still was not mentioned anywhere.

The vanishing point of direct linear perspective is located on the horizon line. We see that the objects, which lies behind the horizon, can be observed only in reverse perspective, because beyond the horizon the perspective lines naturally diverge.
Now it becomes clear that the return of artists during the Renaissance to direct linear perspective was only the loss on their part of the desire to look beyond the horizon. In essence, it was a rejection of interest in the Divine world.
Gor Chahal. Moscow, 2009. |